Month: December 2020

Q&A With Australian Ballerina Kayleigh van Kempen

I had the chance recently to ask Kayleigh van Kempen some questions about her journey as a ballerina. Kayleigh is an amazing dancer, she graces the stage with poise and grace. Her love for ballet is incredible. Below are her responses.

Q1: When did you start ballet?

I started ballet in 2015/2016 and Rad grade 4 was my first exam

Q2: Where do you currently dance?

I currently dance at the European School of Ballet in the Netherlands

Q3: How long have you been en pointe for?

I have been on pointe since September 2017

Q4: What pointe shoes do you currently wear?

I currently wear Merlet pointe shoes and Wear Moi.

Q5: How did you first get involved in ballet?

Ballet was a requirement to be able to do competitions, and I really wanted to do dance with my friends (in a group) and do competitions

Q6: What is your favourite variation?

At the moment my favourite variation is paquita 4

Q7: What company would you love to work for?

I’d love to work for any company in Europe or America

Q8: Do you have a favourite memory/moment in ballet?

I have so many, but one of my best ones was going from Australia to the Netherlands to ESB to audition and getting accepted.

Q9: Who are your ballet roles models? Dancers that inspire you.

My teachers are my role models but actually so are my classmates because I see them all work so hard every day and we all strive to get better which inspires me to give it my best.

Q10: Best advice you’ve ever received from a teacher?

I have received so much amazing advice, but I think it would be to listen to my body, and believe in myself and work hard and write down my corrections after class and read them before the next class starts

Q11: Advise you’d give a young version of yourself?

I’d like to give my young self advice to always think before I do something

Q12: Best thing about being a ballerina?

Everything; the dancing, the friends, the ballet world, I love it all.

Q13: Hardest thing about being a ballerina?

The hardest thing about being a ballerina is the amount of pressure that is on you; you need to try to be better then yesterday and sometimes your body just won’t listen as well as you would like 😉

Q14: It seems like such hard work, did you ever have days growing up where you were like “ugh maybe I’ll just pick an easier career so I can be like a normal teenager”?

No I have not

Q15: Classical or romantic tutu?

I like both tutus depending on what the style is. Sorry I can’t pick

Q16: Have you ever suffered a serious injury?

When I went on points in sept 2017 soon after I developed Achilles Tendonitis, but that was it.

Q17: What do you like to do when you aren’t dancing (your free time)?

When I am not dancing I like to be with my friends and family

Q&A With Mongolian Contortionist Aruna Bataa

I had the pleasure of asking Aruna Bataa some questions about her journey and experiences as a contortionist. As a former Cirque du Soleil contortionist, she always amazes the audience with her incredible flexibility and skills. She has been able to honor the long tradition of showcasing the ancient Mongolian art form around the world. Below are her responses.

Q1: How long have done contortion for?

23 years

Q2: How did you start contortion?

Got inspired by contortionists when I was a kid

Q3: How often do you train and for how long?

It depends, right now I’m training 4 times a week for about 2hrs each training session

Q4: What is your favourite contortion move/trick?

Definitely Mouth Trick

Q5: What has been your best contortion experience?

Getting to perform

Q6: What is your ultimate contortion goal/dream?

Don’t know…

Q7: Best advise you’ve received?

Can’t think of anything specific

Q8: What does a usual day of training look like?

Pretty much what you guys see on my IG

Q9: What is your preparation for a performance?

Good warm and conditioning

Q10: What or who is your biggest motivator in contortion?

Don’t know…

Q11: What goes through your head when you’re doing a contortion performance?

It depends how comfortable I am with my act… but usually I’m very focused on my performance so don’t have anything specific in my mind…

Q12: Do you get nervous? How do you overcome your nerves?

Of course, getting nervous means you care about the performance

Q&A With American Ballerina Emily O’Steen

I had the chance recently to ask Emily O’Steen some questions about her journey as a ballerina. Emily is an amazing dancer, she takes to the stage with poise and grace. Her love for ballet is incredible. Below are her responses.

Q1: When did you start ballet?

I started ballet when I was 2 years old!

Q2: Where do you currently dance?

I currently dance at my high school’s college preparatory dance program, the John Carroll school

Q3: How long have you been en pointe for?

I have been en pointe since I was 11, so five years!

Q4: What pointe shoes do you currently wear?

I currently wear Gaynor Minden pointe shoes

Q5: How did you first get involved in ballet?

I first got involved in ballet because like most little girls, I started taking classes when I was little

Q6: What is your favourite variation?

My favorite variation is Lilac Fairy from Sleeping Beauty!

Q7: What company would you love to work for?

I would love to work for the Washington Ballet or American Ballet Theatre

Q8: Do you have a favourite memory/moment in ballet?

My favorite moment in ballet was last year when I was performing Clara in the Nutcracker, I had to do fouettés and I finally landed them perfectly opening night!

Q9: Who are your ballet roles models? Dancers that inspire you.

My ballet role model is Julie Kent! I absolutely love how she teaches and the artistry in her dancing

Q10: Best advice you’ve ever received from a teacher?

The best advice I’ve ever been given from a teacher is to perform every single step, no matter if it’s a plié or a grand jeté

Q11: Advise you’d give a young version of yourself?

Advice that I would give a younger version of myself is that all the hard work you are putting in now is going to pay off greatly, so don’t get discouraged

Q12: Best thing about being a ballerina?

The best thing about being a ballerina is the feeling when the curtain opens, or when you notice you’ve improved in your dancing

Q13: Hardest thing about being a ballerina?

The hardest thing about being a ballerina is dealing with burnout, because you focus on dance so much of the time it gets hard to keep motivated. I just remind myself that if I ever stopped, a piece of me wouldn’t exist anymore, and that helps me keep going.

Q14: It seems like such hard work, did you ever have days growing up where you were like “ugh maybe I’ll just pick an easier career so I can be like a normal teenager”?

It is hard work! There were definitely some days where I just wanted to be able to hang out with friends instead of have to go to dance class, but I’m really lucky because my dance is incorporated into my high school! I get to see my close friends every day I go to dance which makes it really enjoyable.

Q15: Classical or romantic tutu?

Definitely classical tutu!!

Q16: Have you ever suffered a serious injury?

I’m lucky to never have suffered a serious injury, I keep working hard to remain strong and prevent injuries

Q17: What do you like to do when you aren’t dancing (your free time)?

I enjoy playing piano, spending time with friends and my dogs in my free time!

Q&A With Swiss Ballerina Joëlle Aeby

I had the chance recently to ask Joëlle Aeby some questions about her journey as a ballerina. Joëlle is an amazing dancer, she graces the stage with incredible poise and elegance. Her love for ballet is phenomenal. Below are her reponses.

Q1: When did you start ballet?

I started dancing when I was about 5 years old. My parents where working during summer so they found a summer course for me which was dance.

Q2: Where do you currently dance?

I am currently dancing in Melbourne with the Victorian state ballet

Q3: How long have you been en pointe for?

I started dancing on pointe when I was 9 years old …. so 14 years already!

Q4: What pointe shoes do you currently wear?

Since I am 15years old I wear my costume made point shoes from freed ( C Pro 90 Special, xxx ,heel pin, by wineglass). I wear between 2 and 5pairs a week

Q5: How did you first get involved in ballet?

My mum says I danced before walking:))) I did move when I hear music. But ballet was at the summer school when I was 5 years old

Q6: What is your favourite variation?

hard question… I love dancing the wedding variation of Aurora sleeping beauty act.3. I did perform this one at a Gala in prague. Beside that Raymonda’s dream variation.

Q7: What company would you love to work for?

I am grateful and so happy to be part of Victorian state ballet and hope to pursue my career as a dancer with this company for many more years. One of my absolute favourite company is the Royal ballet London.

Q8: Do you have a favourite memory/moment in ballet?

Yes few… as example winning gold medal in Germany and receiving a scholarship to join the ballet academic Munich, or when I received the certificate of best achievements from Gailen Stock at the royal ballet summer school, and another one would be performing Aurora at the gala in the nationale opera in Prague

Q9: Who are your ballet roles models? Dancers that inspire you.

Marianela Nunez absolut favourite dancer! Anna-rose O Sullivan, Misty Copeland and many more.

Q10: Best advice you’ve ever received from a teacher?

Be yourself and love what you are doing.

Q11: Advise you’d give a young version of yourself?

I would give the same advice plus don’t give up and believe in yourself!

Q12: Best thing about being a ballerina?

There are so many beautiful things a ballerina’s life involves. As I love my job and it is my passion/life. Performing is pure joy.

Q13: Hardest thing about being a ballerina?

Injuries… I had two big surgeries and going through rehab and getting back on stage is a taff and hard way but possible !

Q14: It seems like such hard work, did you ever have days growing up where you were like “ugh maybe I’ll just pick an easier career so I can be like a normal teenager”?

Q15: Classical or romantic tutu?

Classical Tutu

Q16: Have you ever suffered a serious injury?

Yes, Broken hip with fractures and torn muscles and extra bone in my foot. Os trigonum.

Q17: What do you like to do when you aren’t dancing (your free time)?

I am a ballet teacher so I love to teach my students. If not teaching I do like to compose and play piano, cook and enjoy some time off with my partner and friends;))

Q&A With Australian Ballerina Matia Ingrey

I had the opportunity recently to ask Matia Ingrey some questions about her journey as a ballerina. Matia is an amazing dancer, she takes to the stage with incredible poise and elegance. Her love for ballet is amazing. Below are her responses.

Q1: When did you start ballet?

I started ballet at age 5

Q2: Where do you currently dance?

I currently dance at The National College of Dance in Newcastle, Australia

Q3: How long have you been en pointe for?

Approximately 2 years

Q4: What pointe shoes do you currently wear?

I’m currently wearing Energetiks and Grishko’s

Q5: How did you first get involved in ballet?

I actually started playing golf but apparently I danced all over the golf course so I began ballet!

Q6: What is your favourite variation?

My favourite variation is Queen of the dryads

Q7: What company would you love to work for?

I’m not certain yet, I’m working with my teachers to find the best fit for me

Q8: Do you have a favourite memory/moment in ballet?

I have a few special moments, winning the Joan and Monica Halliday RAD Award and the Australian Institute of Classical Dance Award. Also, I was thrilled to be accepted into the Australian Ballet and Queensland Ballet student training programs

Q9: Who are your ballet roles models? Dancers that inspire you.

Evgenia Obraztsova and also Katherina Markowskaja and Maxim Chashchegorov.

Q10: Best advice you’ve ever received from a teacher?

That every time I dance, even when practicing I need to imagine I’m performing for Royalty

Q11: Advise you’d give a young version of yourself?

Attend as many workshops and training opportunities as you can to deepen your knowledge of dance. And most importantly, believe in yourself!

Q12: Best thing about being a ballerina?

When the stage lights hit you it feels like magic! Ohhh and wearing stunning costumes, tutus and tiaras!!!

Q13: Hardest thing about being a ballerina?

The forever quest for perfection and doubting your ability

Q14: It seems like such hard work, did you ever have days growing up where you were like “ugh maybe I’ll just pick an easier career so I can be like a normal teenager”?

Yes, however I can’t imagine my life without ballet, so this is my journey.

Q15: Classical or romantic tutu?

I love both but if I had to choose …. Classical

Q16: Have you ever suffered a serious injury?

No, I work hard on keeping strong to prevent injuries

Q17: What do you like to do when you aren’t dancing (your free time)?

Spend time with my friends, watch movies and swimming.

Q&A With American Ballerina Clara Thiele

I had the opportunity recently to ask Clara Thiele some questions about her journey as a ballerina. Clara is an amazing dancer, she graces the stage with incredible poise and grace. Her love for ballet is incredible. Below are her responses.

Q1: When did you start ballet?

I started dancing ballet when I was 9 years old, after being a competitive gymnast for several years.

Q2: Where do you currently dance?

I dance at the Draper Center for Dance Education in Rochester, NY

Q3: How long have you been en pointe for?

I think i’ve been en pointe for about 6 or 7 years?

Q4: What pointe shoes do you currently wear?

I wear gaynor minden pointe shoes! They are my perfect fit and I was actually a 2019-2020 gaynor girl!

Q5: How did you first get involved in ballet?

I did the nutcracker with my local ballet studio one year and then decided to take private lessons once a week while still doing gymnastics, until I realized I liked ballet better and quit gymnastics when I was 9

Q6: What is your favourite variation?

That’s such a hard question because I love so many! Currently i’m working on Walpurgisnacht variation, I like that one a lot

Q7: What company would you love to work for?

Another hard question- but some of my dream companies include Paris Opera Ballet, Dutch National Ballet, Royal Ballet, Stuttgart Ballet, and Staatsballet Berlin!

Q8: Do you have a favourite memory/moment in ballet?

My favorite memory is definitely going to the Prix de Lausanne this past year. When I found out I had made it in, I couldn’t believe it-it was such a dream come true. Traveling to the beautiful Switzerland and meeting so many amazing dancers from all over the world was such a magical experience

Q9: Who are your ballet roles models? Dancers that inspire you.

Some of my role models include Marianela Nunez, Natalia Osipova, Maria Khoreva, and Sarah Lane!

Q10: Best advice you’ve ever received from a teacher?

The best advice i’ve received from a teacher is to put the most value on daily ballet technique classes. Growing up, my studio had a large focus on technique and I think that’s what helped me improve so fast

Q11: Advise you’d give a young version of yourself?

A piece of advice to my younger self would be to cherish every opportunity you get and know that you are meant to be exactly where you are. I used to get so anxious that I wasn’t good enough, but if I had known that everything happens for a reason and that I was meant to be where I was, it would have helped me a lot

Q12: Best thing about being a ballerina?

The best thing about being a ballerina is the ability to perform in front of an audience and get that feeling that can never be felt somewhere else. The feeling I get when i’m performing is indescribable- one of the best feelings in the world

Q13: Hardest thing about being a ballerina?

The hardest thing is probably to stay motivated every day. In the ballet world it’s so easy to look at someone else and think wow, they’re so much better than i’ll ever be. But you just have to keep in mind that every individual is different, and that other person probably doesn’t have that thing that makes you special and sets you apart from others

Q14: It seems like such hard work, did you ever have days growing up where you were like “ugh maybe I’ll just pick an easier career so I can be like a normal teenager”?

I’ve definitely felt that feeling before! I think every dancer has. Being so invested in this career path has caused me to have to give up part of my social life, and ballet training can be extremely exhausting and mentally draining. But what helps me is to always keep my end goal in mind, and to know that each day i’m getting closer to that goal. I think it’s also important to maintain some balance in your life, so it helps that I have a great group of friends outside of dance who I love spending time with, and I also have other hobbies like playing the piano

Q15: Classical or romantic tutu?

Classical tutu!

Q16: Have you ever suffered a serious injury?

When I was 7 or 8 years old, I had a stress fracture in my lower spine, which is called spondylolitis. It hasn’t given me many problems, but every now and then if I do too many arabesques or crazy back stretches my back will tense up really badly. I also have hip dysplasia which gave me a lot of pain in March, but the pain has gone away since then. Other than that, i’ve only had a few minor ankle injuries, but nothing too bad

Q17: What do you like to do when you aren’t dancing (your free time)?

In my free time, like I said earlier, I like to play classical piano! I’ve been playing since I was 7 years old, and I also like to teach my little brother. I also love hanging out with my school friends, since I don’t get to see them too often because of dance.

Q&A With American Ballerina Brooke Wilson

I had pleasure of asking Brooke Wilson some questions about her journey as a ballerina. Brooke is a phenomenal dancer, she graces the stage with poise and beauty. Her love for ballet is incredible. Below are her responses.

Q1: When did you start ballet?

I started ballet when I was 5 years old.

Q2: Where do you currently dance?

I currently dance at Miami City Ballet School

Q3: How long have you been en pointe for?

I have been on pointe for about 7 years

Q4: What pointe shoes do you currently wear?

Freed of London

Q5: How did you first get involved in ballet?

I got involved with ballet as a way to refine my technique for tap and jazz, and ended up loving it

Q6: What is your favourite variation?

My favorite variations are the harp variation from Balanchine’s Raymonda and the Kitri act III variation from Don Quixote

Q7: What company would you love to work for?

There are so many amazing companies that I would love to work for. Some of my favorites include Boston Ballet, Miami City Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet

Q8: Do you have a favourite memory/moment in ballet?

One of my favorite memories in ballet was performing my first pas de deux at YAGP

Q9: Who are your ballet roles models? Dancers that inspire you.

Some of my favorites are Merrill Ashley, Wendy Whelan, Isabella Boylston, Skylar Brandt, and Tiler Peck

Q10: Best advice you’ve ever received from a teacher?

The best advice I’ve received is that even though you have to focus on technique, you also have to remember to breathe and express joy through your movements

Q11: Advise you’d give a young version of yourself?

Advice I’d give to my younger self would be not to worry about things I can’t control, and focus on improving without stressing about the future as much

Q12: Best thing about being a ballerina?

The best thing about being a ballerina is performing for an audience and being able to create art with your body

Q13: Hardest thing about being a ballerina?

The hardest thing is probably how difficult it is to refine the small details of technique while still making it look easy

Q14: It seems like such hard work, did you ever have days growing up where you were like “ugh maybe I’ll just pick an easier career so I can be like a normal teenager”?

I’ve definitely had discouraging moments, but I’ve never thought about giving up. The good moments definitely outweigh any tough ones. Ballet has given me so many unique experiences that I never would have had if I was a ‘normal’ teenager!

Q15: Classical or romantic tutu?

Classical tutu

Q16: Have you ever suffered a serious injury?

Luckily, I’ve never suffered a serious injury

Q17: What do you like to do when you aren’t dancing (your free time)?

In my free time I like to hang out with friends and family, go to the beach, hike, and read.

Q&A With American Ballerina Kye Amir Cooley

I had the opportunity recently to ask Kye Amir Cooley some questions about her journey as a ballerina. Kye is an excellent dancer, she graces the stage with poise, elegance and presence. Her love for ballet is incredible. Below are her responses.

Q1: When did you start ballet?

I started ballet when I was 3 years old.

Q2: Where do you currently dance?

I currently dance at The School of American ballet (SAB)

Q3: How long have you been en pointe for?

I have been on pointe for 10 years

Q4: What pointe shoes do you currently wear?

I wear Freed if London pointe shoes

Q5: How did you first get involved in ballet?

My mother used to be a dancer so for her birthday every year she would take me to the ballet. It made me fall in love with the stage.

Q6: What is your favourite variation?

That’s a hard question. I personally love any variation I have opportunity to learn and even more perform. I enjoy any time I get to watch a Balanchine or Classical variation

Q7: What company would you love to work for?

I would love to dance for New York City Ballet

Q8: Do you have a favourite memory/moment in ballet?

My favourite memories are the times I spend in the studios working with my teachers and friends.

Q9: Who are your ballet roles models? Dancers that inspire you.

Sara Mearns, Marianela Nunez and Natalia Osipova

Q10: Best advice you’ve ever received from a teacher?

There is no time for timid dancing.

Q11: Advise you’d give a young version of yourself?

Don’t take everything so seriously, flow with what’s happening now.

Q12: Best thing about being a ballerina?

Performing and taking on many different characters is my favourite part.

Q13: Hardest thing about being a ballerina?

Relaxing. Once I’m in the zone, it’s hard for me to take days off. I just want to keep going, keep learning.

Q14: It seems like such hard work, did you ever have days growing up where you were like “ugh maybe I’ll just pick an easier career so I can be like a normal teenager”?

No. I think it’s all about finding what you like to do and switching it up every now and then. I really love ballet, but I also like other styles of dance. On days when I feel down on myself I like to take a class in a different style or do something fun like watching movies.

Q15: Classical or romantic tutu?

I really like tutus, but romantic skirts are easier to travel with.

Q16: Have you ever suffered a serious injury?

Thankfully no,

Q17: What do you like to do when you aren’t dancing (your free time)?

I really love watching movie. I’m also into photography and editing, and I like making up conspiracies about the universe and other things.

Q&A With Canadian Ballerina Ella Cowan

I had the chance recently to ask Ella Cowan some questions about her journey as a ballerina. Ella is a fantastic dancer, she takes to the stage with poise and elegance. Her love for ballet is excellent. Below are her responses.

Q1: When did you start ballet?

I started taking ballet seriously when I was 8

Q2: Where do you currently dance?

Currently I am training by taking masterclasses and drop ins at different studios because of the busy schedule I have as I am also pursuing the career of an actress. This enables me to dance on a more flexible schedule and have the ability to work with different teachers and choreographers

Q3: How long have you been en pointe for?

I have been en pointe for 4 and a half years now

Q4: What pointe shoes do you currently wear?

I currently wear Grishko Miracle Pointe Shoes. They are such a beautiful and comfy shoe and perfect for me!

Q5: How did you first get involved in ballet?

My mom was a ballet teacher when I was younger and I loved going to the studio with her and taking classes and I just fell in love with it!

Q6: What is your favourite variation?

I love the Sugar Plum Fairy variation from The Nutcracker!

Q7: What company would you love to work for?

I think it would be so cool to dance with the New York City Ballet!

Q8: Do you have a favourite memory/moment in ballet?

Yes! My favourite memory is dancing Young Clara in the Nutcracker with Hamilton City Ballet and receiving Distinction on my Intermediate RAD ballet exam!

Q9: Who are your ballet roles models? Dancers that inspire you.

Misty Copeland and Tanya Howard are two ballerinas that really inspire me!

Q10: Best advice you’ve ever received from a teacher?

Some of the best advice I’ve been told is to find what makes me special in my dancing that lets me stand out and be able to shine

Q11: Advise you’d give a young version of yourself?

I would say to my younger self, don’t ever let others make you feel invisible or inferior and be confident in yourself

Q12: Best thing about being a ballerina?

The best thing about being a ballerina is how it helps you be strong and determined in other areas of your life

Q13: Hardest thing about being a ballerina?

I can’t really think of anything that is hard about being a ballerina except for when people underestimate how strong we actually are and how much hard work we put into it

Q14: It seems like such hard work, did you ever have days growing up where you were like “ugh maybe I’ll just pick an easier career so I can be like a normal teenager”?

No, I’ve never thought of doing something easier because I love having something that keeps me focused and challenged

Q15: Classical or romantic tutu?

Classical tutus

Q16: Have you ever suffered a serious injury?

No, I’ve been lucky enough not to have any injuries so far

Q17: What do you like to do when you aren’t dancing (your free time)?

I love acting and reading scripts and novels in my spare time!

Q&A With American Ballerina Sofia Ferrigno

I had the opportunity recently to ask Sofia Ferrigno some questions about her journey as a ballerina. Sofia is a fantastic dancer, she graces the stage with elegance and grace. Her love for ballet is phenomenal. Below are her responses.

Q1: When did you start ballet?

I started dancing at 5 1/2

Q2: Where do you currently dance?

I dance virtually right now and I’m not in any particular studio

Q3: How long have you been en pointe for?

I have been on pointe for 3 years

Q4: What pointe shoes do you currently wear?

I wear Nikolay Maya1 pointe shoes

Q5: How did you first get involved in ballet?

When I was 5 1/2 my sister noticed how flexible my feet were and how I could pointe my toes do she told my mom that she should bring me to ballet classes. I went to a small group class and after a few lessons the teacher asked to speak with my mom. She told her that I had really good feet and that I should be in a serious ballet school not just recreational classes.

Q6: What is your favourite variation?

Right now, Aurora Wedding Variation, but it changes all the time

Q7: What company would you love to work for?

Mariinsky Theater because my teacher danced there

Q8: Do you have a favourite memory/moment in ballet?

It would have to be my first Nutcracker! Being in the theater performing on the stage was just magical

Q9: Who are your ballet roles models? Dancers that inspire you.

There are so many, but just to name a few,Maria Khoreva, Marlén Fuerte, Adiarys Almeida, Sylvie Guillem , Maya Plisetskya

Q10: Best advice you’ve ever received from a teacher?

Perform in each ballet class as if you were in front of an audience

Q11: Advise you’d give a young version of yourself?

Never compare your progress to anyone else’s progress

Q12: Best thing about being a ballerina?

Learning how to focus and be disciplined. Being able to perform and bring a character to life and hopefully make the audience happy

Q13: Hardest thing about being a ballerina?

Sore feet! And learning to trust yourself. Sometimes I’ll get on stage and for a second I won’t remember my variation! But as soon as the music starts my body remembers the movements

Q14: It seems like such hard work, did you ever have days growing up where you were like “ugh maybe I’ll just pick an easier career so I can be like a normal teenager”?

I’m only 12 so I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on anything yet. But I know this is what I want to do

Q15: Classical or romantic tutu?


Q16: Have you ever suffered a serious injury?

Thankfully no. I definitely cross train to keep my body strong and hopefully prevent injuries

Q17: What do you like to do when you aren’t dancing (your free time)?

I like to draw, read and play video games with my friends.